Saturday, July 25, 2009

today canteen day! i went to horror maze.and it's so funny!
i grab the ghost's torchlight!
i hit the pregnant ghost!
i hit the ghost's butt!
i told the ghost she's pretty! because she's combing her hair. LOL!!!
so much fun!
and... uh.skip this.
and i went to play phat phat! FOC!!!
my sis stall.
and i saw amelia. wuu. long time no see.haha
last we go play water. i'm totally wet!
so. that's all. (:
me and tung.

chinyi joeyi and i. punch!


tung crying!

janice's .. look. LOL!

tung huihui and carmenn!
me and tung. A GHOST BEHIND TUNG!