Sunday, February 7, 2010

everyone quit co that makes me feels that i wanna quit too. it's keep running all around my brain and i'm completely mad. can't even concentrate. high expectation from seniors make me feel stress.i'm not that good that they think that i am. i suppose to play a song very well but i just can't do it. and all the fun , all the laugh is just gone like what seniors left us.i'm not that enthusiasm in co. the thought flash in my brain. i wanna quit. i wanna quit co then no more stress and free.but then i called chooiyi.she said : you can't just think thought that on a spur of the moment. i feel so irresponsible just ditch my friend and just leave like that. if i leave, who gonna replace me in such a hurry? if i leave, my friend will be suffer and alone there? if i leave, beh, i'm sorry. keep thinking for the whole day and so fucking out of mood. but still i need to act so nothing in front of my mum. wth. how can i have such a so unmature thought. they woke me up. thanks bii , chooiyi and carmenn. i promised them i'll try to stay as long as i could. TRY. lol