Friday, May 22, 2009

tagged by kenny.

---------------------------------------------Rules------------------------------------------1.Open your music gallery in either your hand phone or mp3.
2. Click on the next song as your answer.
3. You must write down the song, although how silly it is.
4.Write your opinion in the bracket behind the answer.
Name 10 friends.
1. If someone says, "You sure this is okay? You say:
just stand up.[ hahaha.come on!]

2. How you describe yourself?
temparature. [ temparature? am i hot? HAHAH]

3. What do you want from the boy of your dreams?
bu tong. [ my boy is not pain at all.haha.]

4. How are you feeling today?
sorry. [hahaha. say sorry? wth.]

5.What are you living for??
damaged. [hahahahah.damaged who.bwahaha ]

6. What are you mottos?
char yi dian[ hahahaah.for what?]

7. What person are you in your friend's eyes?
disturbia.[ hahahahahhahahaahhahahahahahahahaha. what? am i disturbing you?]

8.What are your parents to you?
get like me. [ hahaha. so lucky they get me. haha ]

9. What are you always thinking about?
just dance. [ woaw!]

10. What do you think about your best friend?
love story.[ hahahahahahaah. ya. she got many types of love story. ]

11. What do you think about your date?
everytime we touch. [hahahahaahahahahahahahhahahaahahahha. =X ]

12. What's your life story?
heartless. [ i got a heart! ]

13. What do wanna be when you grow up?
show me the way. [ show the way? what occupation is this? police traffic?hahahaha]

14. What's your hobby?
one step at the time.[ hahahah. step step step! ]

15. What are you scared of the most?
tian shen fan gu. [ hahahaahha. don't you all ]

16. Your biggest secret is??
kiss kiss. [hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahah. i kiss ? ]

17. What are you thinking when you see the boy of your dreams?
make love in this club. [ omg! horny.]

18. What songs are you playing on your wedding?
forever. [ ah ha! good! so suitable. ]

19. What songs are you playing on your funeral?
i don't want to be. [ i don't wanna die!!! hahaha. ]

20. What you think abut your friends?
dai wo zou. [ why take me away? delivery? HAHA]

21. What do you call this game?
what goes around.../...comes around. [ i don't know what happen!]
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I choose: