Friday, March 27, 2009

the day i accompany my sis to imax.she wanna check something.
just behind the gunung rapat mcd.
while i was walking thr then i saw lzq.HAHA. i keep closing my face.
i mean around nose thr.with my hand.due to im having a pimple! damn it.
then i walking into the imax. there's so big.and i am very scare.
cos the ppl thr looks so UNKIND.HAHA.
then the ppl said there was no two place together.needs to seperate.
he gave me the place that's just between two looks so horrible guys.wth.
then i told my sis tat i dont want anymore! im so scare.HAHAHAHA.
but that time my mum cant go out tat time.she has to work.
then we two like pengemis you know. no place to go.HAHA.
just can wait my mum come and fetch us home again.

that's the place i'm wait for my mum to pity. sis and i.HAHA.

the india shop! i bought my sis some snacks.cos i felt so guilty.

ya. we baked some cheese tart.HAHA.'s so easy to do! but the ingredients costs quite expensive.

it's in the oven!

so tasty althought it's bad looking.HAHA

there's a heart shape.

Friday, March 13, 2009

happy belated birthday
to lauweijing!
10 MARCH.2009.
wish you have a happy15th (:
my eldest sis is having stimbot with her fren
the day before she's gonna take her result
for STPM.
she said: happy for the last day. 2mr not gonna happy anymore.
sometimes i argee so.
i'm the superwoman!!
asshole woman.
actually tat's the 'bett bett'
everyone said my face din chg since last time til now
haha.but i din think so.
see the magazine. the lil' boy.
is a japanese.
he's so cute!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the pictures when i was just a LITTLE KHONG.
my mother side:
vivian, choykahyin
i have a big round head.HAHA

i pulled up my pants.
sexy legs!

the yellow shirt one (:

tats my uncle not my father.HAHA

vivian cheah!

my father side:

the budak gemuk stand in front of the cake.

i saw my panty!

no me. but got choykahyin.HAHA