Saturday, December 26, 2009

today! 3p9 gathering. celebrated result, christmas and my birthday! *although it's late. lol
and tung get stunned by the korean boy. hahaha.

and yeah, picture of the day, (:

yeah, finished.(:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

hohoho! after result day. go parade with my budd. picture will be upload later. (:

my super VOLCANO mcd ice-cream. L O L !

yeah, after parade with budds. go out with family!!

my big big day.
thanks everyone.
especially honey and watedrmelon!
the cookies and the graduation paper!
chung chin yi, your cookies eat till i disgorge ah.
ahahhahahaha. no la.
it tasted NICE!
ok tak?
hahahahhaha. her cookies is my dinner. lol
and thanks everyone that wished my in msg and fb.


result day!! boom boom boom! 7A's and 1B. damn damn damn. i hate bm.

picture for result day,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Friday, December 11, 2009

picture of the day. (: africa zoo day. lol

yeah! today. happy and scary friday.
cause met with tiger and lion!
they very fierce ar.
like want eat gam chai into their stomach.
gam chai cannot eat ga, will duk sei them ar. hahahahah
then the tiger, so clever, know LIZARD one! *watermelon.
and know singing!
two africa animals go to k box also scared people.
and ar. the honey go pak tor with her cute bee and say herself very pity.
but seems no!
ay ya.
regret ar.
beautiful tiger.

only meepin and chinyi

Friday, December 4, 2009

yea. yesterday. celebrated birthday for mrs.leow.
with meepin, chinyi, tung, huiyi, carmenn, janice, huiyi's sister, weeshien, futing, leow zhiquan, tan khiajhin, mok wenyao, bryan ding, ooi yewkah, wong zhendong.
bought chocolate indulgence, and booked a vip kbox room. expensive.
it don't worth that much, actually.
but, nevermind, the b'day girl seems so happy.
mr leow, so sacrifice. taking the big choco flower and big bear walk in walk out.
everyone set their eyes on him. hahaha.
but, he wish to do so. hahahah
pharmmeepin. you know where i wanna use it? lol
back home, the uncle, switch the air-con to HIGH.
frigging cold. i looks like a prawn? haha.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

chan joeyi.
happy b'day!
sorry for no surprise. (: