Saturday, December 26, 2009

today! 3p9 gathering. celebrated result, christmas and my birthday! *although it's late. lol
and tung get stunned by the korean boy. hahaha.

and yeah, picture of the day, (:

yeah, finished.(:

Thursday, December 24, 2009

hohoho! after result day. go parade with my budd. picture will be upload later. (:

my super VOLCANO mcd ice-cream. L O L !

yeah, after parade with budds. go out with family!!

my big big day.
thanks everyone.
especially honey and watedrmelon!
the cookies and the graduation paper!
chung chin yi, your cookies eat till i disgorge ah.
ahahhahahaha. no la.
it tasted NICE!
ok tak?
hahahahhaha. her cookies is my dinner. lol
and thanks everyone that wished my in msg and fb.


result day!! boom boom boom! 7A's and 1B. damn damn damn. i hate bm.

picture for result day,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Friday, December 11, 2009

picture of the day. (: africa zoo day. lol

yeah! today. happy and scary friday.
cause met with tiger and lion!
they very fierce ar.
like want eat gam chai into their stomach.
gam chai cannot eat ga, will duk sei them ar. hahahahah
then the tiger, so clever, know LIZARD one! *watermelon.
and know singing!
two africa animals go to k box also scared people.
and ar. the honey go pak tor with her cute bee and say herself very pity.
but seems no!
ay ya.
regret ar.
beautiful tiger.

only meepin and chinyi

Friday, December 4, 2009

yea. yesterday. celebrated birthday for mrs.leow.
with meepin, chinyi, tung, huiyi, carmenn, janice, huiyi's sister, weeshien, futing, leow zhiquan, tan khiajhin, mok wenyao, bryan ding, ooi yewkah, wong zhendong.
bought chocolate indulgence, and booked a vip kbox room. expensive.
it don't worth that much, actually.
but, nevermind, the b'day girl seems so happy.
mr leow, so sacrifice. taking the big choco flower and big bear walk in walk out.
everyone set their eyes on him. hahaha.
but, he wish to do so. hahahah
pharmmeepin. you know where i wanna use it? lol
back home, the uncle, switch the air-con to HIGH.
frigging cold. i looks like a prawn? haha.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

chan joeyi.
happy b'day!
sorry for no surprise. (:

Saturday, November 28, 2009

3p9 party night. (:

yeah, backed from genting.
first day, i din't go for the cable car.
i'm sitting in the vip bus, PROTECTING our instrument.
and the stupid beh became the reporter. lol
reach genting, moving a ll the instrument down.
the bus door small like hell! really need yokoyoko. for my shoulder. lol
next, competition started. i'll rmb ang chooi yi, in the ballroom, teacher saw you!
haha. and yea, i've try my best. then, our beloved senior cried! D:
then night, we watched concert.
theBUTTERFLY. e-hem. my eardrum really..
and we saw a emergency! from
finished, get back to the hotel room, finish my half rice i left. lol
dinner become supper.

second day,
shopping shopping shopping!
we saw a friendly ghost. standing on the roof of the haunted house,
waving his hand to me, and pose a V to lor's camera. sweat man. he's so cute.
next, we went to the wishing pond.
threw almost 2.50 bucks into the pond to wish we get gold medal. lol
they rung the ring and left me, din't. damn.
then 5 something, emergency meeting, get scold by teacher. -.-
night, some performance and announce result.
we saw the emergency wore yellow shirt that time!
keep get my eyes set on him. lol
yea, we get GOLD medal.
but, no cheering , no happiness.
back room, and my senior wanna call me out to collect the shirt.
but, she saw my face is full of ubat, then just left me off.
then! the senior gone up and tell me the emergency is just sitting there watching them!
ok stop. nevermind. haha

next day,
we force the man woman to wear a tube dress. lol
just so.. OMG. lol
next, they went up for the cable car.
but i din't. and i need yokoyoko again.
so wish the driver u-turn and turn back to genting. lol
and yeah, reached the cable car station.
i went wrong bus! lmao.
eating sleeping eating sleeping. omg like a pig.
and 3x10=30!
and 23.90bucks
haha. some knew what i mean.
yeah! backed home. (:
picture will be upload soon.

Monday, November 23, 2009

3p9 started.
3p9 ended.
i'll never forget all the things we done.
all the memories.
and pn. low.
you're the best teacher i ever had.
and 3p9.
you're the best class i ever in.
and the vege class.
the best classroom i ever had.
i love you all.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

my sweet form 3.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hello there. i knew my blog is full of spider web. lol. forgive me. i'm lazy.
yeah, nothing special.
just, i'm fine. (:

Friday, October 23, 2009

webcam with huki (:

pelancaran satu malaysia.

ha! last sunday :D

our beloved seline and ting gor. lol


miss (:

happy birthday!

happy birthday to all of them :D

mummy (:

tung wai sum (:

esther khong (:
my beloved sis.

may wish comes true.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


1. 我的大名 : khong hui hui.
2. 我的生日 : 24.12.1994
3. 誰傳給你的 : chinyi.
4. 說出五個好朋友 : everyone.
5. 生日想要得到什麼禮物 : a driving license. :D
6. 近期開心的是 : pmr finished!!!!!!!!
7. 近期壓力大的是 : no stress!
8. 未來想做什麼 : everyday can see my budds.
9. 有沒有喜歡的人 : maybe?
10. 同學會要回去找老師嗎 : sure!! i want P-A-U.
11. 跟誰出去最幸福 : with budds !
12. 如果你的兩個好友吵架了 : see whether i can help them or not.
13. 跟情人出去最想去哪 : ha!
14. 聖誕節要做啥 : get myself drunk.
15. 最想跟誰過聖誕節 : budds.
16. 有沒有起床气 : dont und e.
17. 有幾個兄弟姐妹 : 2 sistersssssss.
18. 最喜歡的一首歌(女生的) : hero.
19. 最喜歡的一首歌(男生的) : no idea.LOL
20. 喜歡什麼顏色 : whatever.
21. 上廁所會不會先沖水 : must la.
22. 愛不愛我 : love who??
23. 喜歡男生還是女生 : boys.
24. 最想大聲說什麼 : I'M NOT HAPPY NOW!
25. 半夜敢不敢自己上廁所 : why not? the toilet just near my bed. LOL
26. 上廁所會不會脫褲褲 : got anyone don't take their panties off when go for toilet? get a try.LOL
27. 誰很欠打 : sis.
28. 現在很迷什麼 : cook porridge. free!
29. 睡相很差 : yea.but i won't keep my mouth open wide. HAHA
30. 現在的時間 : 0047.
31. 是否痛恨傳給你點卷的人 : yea. a little bit. haha
32. 體重多少 : shhh.
33. 今天天氣 : H O T!
34. 你懷孕了嗎 : yea. 365 days already.
35. 你若中樂透最想做什么 : go to a spree!!!!! :D
36. 大學生一定要玩的活動 : class trip.
37. 如果能為彩虹添加一種顏色 你選 : no idea.
38. 你覺得自己性格怎樣 : i don't know

8.ting gor

01-【 4 號認識 6 號嗎】:sure la.
02-【 10 號是男還是女】:girl.
03-【 8 號的興趣是】:tanam sayur-sayuran!
04-【 1 號有沒有兄弟姐妹】: 1 bro, 1 sis.
05-【 7 號姓氏】:F O O ! lol
06-【 10 號人緣好嗎】:yea.
07-【 4 號有人追嗎】:HAHA! sure la.
08-【 承上 2 號呢】: ??
09-【 6 號喜歡的顏色是】:tak tau. sorry!
10-【 3 號和 10 號是友嗎】:i dont know e.
11-【 8 號的生日是】:16 of may.
12-【 5 號讀哪呢】:my neighbour of amc
13-【 你怎麼認識 10 號的】: through junyi.
14-【 你跟 1 號的生日差幾個月】:2 months.
15-【 你和 9 號有出去玩過嗎】:no.
16-【 你喜歡 2 號聊天嗎】:for sure.(:
17-【 你喜歡和 3 號在一起嗎】:haha! yea!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

pictures for the whole pmr week. (:

pictures for the days :D

meepin, me , chinyi

pharm mee pin! ha. e-hemm

web with chinyi. eating noodles.

EATING. haha

mp night. (:

xuan yee. the hamster. LOL
wei yee. HU!

busy eating.

swy and i

chinyi and i.

tung tung.


huiyi and i. the tree.

tung and i!

meepin pharm.

huiyi and i.

i'm the photographer!

huihui, huiyi, weiyee

weiyee, me, yen jie
